Why does my face feel hot but not the rest of my body ? Top 6 reasons.

Last updated on June 29th, 2024 at 12:11 pm

You might be confused and wondering why does my face feel hot but not the rest of my body ? It is the same thing as when your face feels hot but not the rest of your body. It is a bit confusing phenomenon. I know it is puzzling and sometimes can be of concern. In this blog, you will know a broad range of reasons behind this phenomenon and also some aspects of it.

Like will also try to explain the mechanisms and physiology for why your face feels hot not the rest of your body.

Actually, this phenomenon is generally referred to as internal fever. Internal fever is generally used term when your face feels hot but not the rest of your body.

Without wasting much time let’s explore the causes and other important factors regarding this internal fever.

So, before directly going for those reasons, there are some things you need to know about.

So, let us discuss them briefly.

Role of blood vessels when your face feels hot but not the rest of the body

1. Dilation

The phenomenon of redness and warmness is closely related to blood vessels. Due to certain conditions, blood vessels get dilated which is called vasodilation. This vasodilation allows to flow of more blood in blood vessels. This extra blood flow and vasodilation causes your face to warm and red without having a fever.

2. Flushing

Flushing of blood vessels is the sudden pouring of blood flow into blood vessels. Certain conditions like anger, excitement, eating spicy food, and shock can lead to flushing of blood vessels. This will eventually make your only face feel hot and not the rest of the body.

Mechanisms behind “Why does your face feel hot but not the rest of the body”

Other than the above two concepts, other mechanisms will help you understand why your face feels hot but not the rest of the body. These are the basic mechanisms without which no incidences of hot and redness over the face could occur. So, let’s understand them.

1. Dilation of blood vessels on the face

Here the blood vessels on your face dilate. This dilation of blood vessels makes them wider. This dilated blood vessel permits more blood vessels to flow into the facial area which causes redness and warmth on the face.

2. Blushing

Blushing is a common example of how the muscles or vessels on your face react when you encounter intense emotions like anger, happiness, embarrassment, excitement, or sadness.

3. Nervous system regulation

Some factors can trigger the autonomic nervous system. This autonomic nervous system allows the increased blood flow into the blood vessels of your face.

4. Hormonal influence

During the menstrual cycle, certain hormones can also impact the blood vessels on the face. So, in general, during the menstrual cycle, women feel their face warm.

Also read- Effects of lemon juice on menstrual period

5. Inflammation

Certain inflammation conditions, especially localized inflammation like allergy or skin irritation also affect the blood vessels. This mechanism makes your face feel hot but not the rest of the body.

Understanding all these mechanisms, you would definitely understand the reasons why your face feels hot but not the rest of the body.

Top reasons why your face is red and warm without fever

1. Common causes

red faces due to human emotions

Many causes are common. This condition leads to redness and warmth of the face without fever. There could be some emotional triggers like anger, embarrassment, and excitement that can make your face red and warm. This is called blushing. Sometimes in cold weather also your cheeks can turn red but not warm.

As I told you before, strong emotions like anger, excitement, stress, and embarrassment can cause blood vessels in your face to widen. This is considered to be normal. But if occurs frequently, you must get help for it.

Other common possible reasons could be skin conditions such as allergy to specific substances.

A skin ailment called rosacea can turn your face red and warm without fever when overexposure to the sun occurs.

Spicy foods, hot beverages, sudden temperature changes, and tight clothing can also trigger your face to redness and warmth.

2. Medications

Some medicines that you are using may be sensitive to your skin. It might be causing some irritation or allergic reaction in you. As a result of this allergic reaction, your face may get swollen, red, and warm. The medications that can cause flushed or red and warm skin are of a wide range.

Medicines such as,

  • Antibiotics
  • Vasodilators
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Nitrates
  • Morphine

can also cause flushed skin.

It is better to stop using those medicines further.

3. Topical and Cosmetic products

Some topical or cosmetic products you are currently using also may cause skin irritation and reaction. Being skin a very sensitive organ it is very susceptible to harmful reactions upon using external products. Let’s see which potential product could cause a red and warm face.

1. Irritating ingredients

Some skin products like moisturizers, fragrances, and certain sun-protective lotions may contain harsh ingredients that may cause skin irritation.

2. Exfoliants or peels

Exfoliants such as peels and scrubs are being used for cosmetic purposes. Hey really provide skin rejuvenation. But using them too frequently or in high concentration can damage your skin and may cause some allergic reactions to your face later.

3. Acne-reducing products

Some acne-reducing products have much potential for causing skin related issues. The ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are effective for acne but still cause dryness and redness over the face. You should use them cautiously and under medical guidance only.

4. Retinoids

Retinoids are used in some skin products to treat acne and slow the aging process. This ingredient also can cause skin irritation, especially for those who are using it for the first time. To reduce the aftereffects, try to make use of it gradually. Start applying it on the face in a lower concentration.

5. Environment sensitive products

Some skin products contain the ingredients that are sensitive to environment specially for sun exposure. The exposure of this ingredients to pollution specially triggers the allergic response.

6. Pre-existing skin conditions

red ness and warmness due to various skin infections

The Indvidual who have skin conditions as acne, dermatitis, rosacea, eczema is more sensitive to any type of skin products. So, if you are having this skin conditions, it is better to consult a dermatologist before using these products.

Keeping all points above in consideration, it becomes essential to use skin friendly products and products containing the gentle formulations and ingredients.

4. Alcohol and Caffeine

alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine have the effects on blood vessels and blood circulation. As we have discussed that vasodilation leads to redness and warmness of face. Let’s understand how alcohol and caffeine contributes to face to be red and warm without actual fever.

A. Alcohol

1. Vasodilation

Alcohol is a vasodilator. Vasodilator is any substance that cause your blood vessels to dilate or widening. When you consume alcohol, blood vessels dilate, which increases the blood flow in that vessel. When there is increased blood flow in vessels the surface of that skin becomes red and warm.

2. Diuresis

Alcohol is also diuretic drug. Diuretic drugs promote more filtration of water results in increased urine formation. This causes dehydration. Dehydration effects on blood volume and circulation which may cause redness and warmness over face.

3. Histamine

In some of individual alcohol induced histamine release could take place. This histamine leads to allergic reactions which results face red and warm.

B. Caffeine

1. Stress

Caffeine can stimulate the release of cortisol and adrenaline hormones. Which are known to be stress hormone. This hormone can increase mental stress causing redness over face and tensed face.

2. Dehydration

Like alcohol caffeine also acts as diuretic and causes dehydration which may lead to swelling and redness to face.

5. Temperature

Skin is also sensitive to the temperature. Temperature variations and plus certain environmental factors have direct impact on skin redness and warmness. Let’s see how this happens.

1. Hot temperature

During the hot conditions body tries to cool the body and reduce the temperature by triggering natural body response. As a part of this natural body response the blood vessels dilates which allow the more blood to flow. This increased blood flow increases the surface area of the skin.

Due to increased surface area of skin the heat loss in body takes place. This loss of heat is possible by radiation and conduction of heat.

In this natural response to cool down body temperature, blood vessels dilate which may makes the face red and warm.

2. Cold temperature

This cold temperature makes the blood vessels constrict. Body naturally tries to conserve the heat in body by constricting blood vessels which makes skin pale and cold.

But when as soon as change the environment and step in hot conditions again blood vessels dilate, and skin becomes warm and red.

6. Lifestyle

Certain lifestyle factors can also have an effect on causing your face red and warm. You must be conscious about your daily routine habits which can trigger some bodily reactions causing your face red and warm. There are certain factors you need to keep in mind regarding this.

1. Stress and Anxiety

These stronger emotions of your mind trigger some reactions in your body which secrete the cortisol and adrenaline hormones. These hormones dilate the blood vessels and makes your face red and warm.

2. Physical exertion

Some physical activities like intense body workouts and strength exercises increases your body temperature which leads to vasodilation resulting in causing your face red and warm.

3. Spicy foods

Eating spicy foods can also cause this problem. Certain foods like chili have substance named capsaicin, secretes a special kind of neuropeptide. This neuropeptide dilates the blood vessels furthering affecting your skin and you may feel like your face turned red for no reason.

4. Smoking

Smoking or secondhand smoking constrict your blood vessels which affects your body temperature. This sudden change of body temperature can make look your skin pale or red.

5. Hot beverages

Hot drinks like coffee, tea can cause flushing and redness of face due temperature.

Why does my face feel hot but not the rest of my body while pregnant ?

During pregnancy your body undergoes through various physiological changes. As the effects of this altered physiology makes red and hot cheeks, while not having actual fever.

Following changes in physiologic process can have this effect.

1. Stress

Pregnancy off course is a time of enormous physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. This all changes creates stress on mother. Body may respond to this stress by releasing certain stress hormones as adrenaline. In turn, this adrenaline may cause flushing of skin.

2. Cardiovascular System adaptations

During pregnancy, your cardiovascular system adapts itself to facilitate the blood flow to developing fetus. This adaptation increases blood flow and heart rate. This increased blood flow can cause flushing, leading to a feeling of warmth especially on the face.

3. Body temperature

Body temperature is one of the fluctuation factors during your pregnancy period. During this period there is slightly higher overall body temperature. The reason for this increased body temperature during pregnancy may be due to increased metabolic rate and hormonal fluctuations.

This increase in body temperature results in feeling your face hot than rest of your body.

Why does my face feel hot but not the rest of my body in menopause ?

Menstrual period is intricating process which involves the hormonal games. These hormones decide various factors. Likewise, in menopause also, changes in hormones causes some changes in physiological processes.

Let’s discuss some reason why your face feels hot but not the rest of body in menopause.

1. Fluctuating hormone

During your menopause, your hormones start fluctuating. Especially the estrogen hormones. This estrogen hormones starts to decrease gradually during your menopause. This fluctuation affects your hypothalamus working and its temperature regulating centers.

2. Increased blood flow

During a hot flash, the hypothalamus signals the dilation of blood vessels in your upper body, specifically in your face, neck, and chest. This physiological response results in increased blood flow to these areas. This can cause our face to feel hot but not the rest of body in menopause.

Also read- Effects of lemon juice menstrual period

Why feeling feverish without fever?

Apart from this topic subject, there could other phenomenon like feeling feverish but actually not having fever or rise in temperature. This is different phenomenon as this have different pathology and causes. Let’s know more about this.

Feeling feverish without increase in body temperature could indicate serious health issues.

1. Anxiety

Anxiety is common factor due to which many people make themselves feel hot without rise in body temperature. Here same pathology works which happens during becoming face red and warm without fever.

2. Diabetes

Diabetes condition can make you hotter than normal. Plus, these people are vulnerable to hot climate which also can cause dehydration. Consequently, dehydration makes body hotter.

3. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is condition where thyroid gland becomes hyperactive. This could increase the metabolic rate which can generate enormous amount of energy within body. This is the time when you feel hot without actually rise in your body temperature.

4. Lifestyle

Some lifestyle-oriented activities also make you feel feverish without fever. Like eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, hot beverages make your internal environment hotter.

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Let’s Conclude

It is very much possible to have face or cheeks red and warm without fever. Also, the conditions like internal fever, feeling feverish without rise in temperature are also quite possible. Not all pathologies or causes for these conditions needs attention. They are obvious.

In conclusion, if you are experiencing redness and warmth in your face without a fever, it could be a result of various factors. It could be due to a sudden change in temperature, excessive alcohol consumption, emotional stress, or rosacea. I recommend you consult with a medical professional to know exact underlying cause.

If you have any additional insights or questions about this topic, please feel free to comment below.


Can you have an infection without fever?

Yes, definitely. You can have infection without fever.

Can I take paracetamol for internal fever?

Yes. You can take Paracetamol for an internal fever. It is effective medicine for fever irrespective of causes.

What is internal fever called?

Actually ‘Internal fever’ is not professional medical term. It’s been using as layman term when you have all symptoms of being feverish without body temperature.

How long does internal fever last?

The duration for how long internal fever last is varied and depends on the severity of symptoms and many other factors. But usually, it does subside withing 3 to 6 days when proper treatment and management is done.

How can I cool down my face heat?

To cool down your face heat apply the ice to your face, or you can apply turmeric paste over your face.

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